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Radio Dramas

The Third Man - Radio Dramas for ESL - ESL English Listening

The Third Man -
The fractured Europe post-World War II is perfectly captured in this masterpiece thriller, set in a Vienna still shell-shocked from battle. Holly Martins is a writer come to visit his old friend Harry Lime. But when Cotton first arrives in Vienna, Lime's funeral is under way. From Lime's beautiful girlfriend, Anna Schmidt, and an occupying British officer, Major Calloway, Martins learns of allegations of Lime's involvement in crime. Martins vows to clear his friend's reputation. As he is drawn deeper into postwar intrigue, Martins finds layer under layer of deception, which he desperately tries to sort out. Martins searches through the seedy underworld of postwar Vienna and gets caught up in a web of love, deception, racketeering, and murder.

The Third Man - Act 1
The Third Man - Act 2

The Third Man - Act 3